08. Course Outro
Course Outro
Keep Learning
Great work! You've learned how to build applications in React, but there's always more to learn! Check out the following resources to up your skills:
People to Follow
Whether it be popular blog posts or developers to follow on Twitter, a large part of getting everything out of a new technology is utilizing existing community resources. So we want to share with you with our favorite resources from the React community that we've found helpful over the last few years. Hopefully you'll find them helpful as well.
- Dan Abramov
- Sebastian Markbåge
- Henry Zhu
- Peggy Rayzis
- Merrick Christensen
- Christopher Chedeau
- React
- Tyler McGinnis
Blog posts to read
- You're missing the point of React
- React "Aha" Moments
- 9 Things every React.js Beginner should know
- React Elements vs React Components
If you want to learn more advanced topics in React, you can check out tylermcginnis.com.
Thanks for joining us on this journey! Now it's time to move on to learning Redux!
Here's how what you've learned thus far maps to your career: